
307 East 8th Street, Apt 4A, New York, NY


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About this Property
Charming East Village Brownstone Walk-up building in the heart of the E.V. This is a fully renovated 4th floor front south facing one bedroom, one bath with windowed home office. Offering an open kitchen plan, with four almost ceiling to floor windows, in the living environment all south facing. Bedroom has a huge fully equipped walk-in closet, including a window.
Building is self managed, ten unit coop, with tons of charm.
No dog policy.
Property History
  • 7/9/2020Listed by Coldwell Banker Warburg at $4,400
  • 7/9/2020Added to Coldwell Banker Warburg by Coldwell Banker Warburg at $4,400
  • 8/10/2020Price decreased by 10% to $3,975
  • 8/17/2020Price decreased by 14% to $3,400
  • 12/18/2020Price decreased by 12% to $3,000
  • 6/27/2024Information Last Updated
  • Status:Rented
  • Co-op
  • ID:2975196
  • Year Built:1900
  • Available Date:12/01/2020
  • Floor:4
  • Rooms:3
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