Categories for Fred on Forbes


European banks, following the lead of American banks, are swooning and in turn causing a huge drop in the American AND Europen stock markets. Well, we never said globalization was going to be easy! What I… More

WaMu, Where Are Thou?

The decline and fall of Washington Mutual, which swooned yesterday into the arms of J.P. Morgan Chase, is the “largest failure in U.S. banking history”, as the Wall Street Journal headline put it. Luckily depositors will… More

Merrill, and Lehman and AIG…Oh My!

It has been a tough day in the financial markets, one of those days which will probably make history. As of today, three of the five major independent investment banks which formed the core of business… More

Fannie and Freddie, what have you done?

So it seems that mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have returned to their roots as government programs. While this is certainly another sign of the tenacity of the credit crunch, it should also calm… More

Summer Was Not So Bad

To read the press, it would seem that the New York City real estate market has suddenly plunged into despair. The real picture is much more complicated. Here at Warburg, we signed our largest transaction ever…. More

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