
155 East 72nd Street, 11/12A, New York, NY


Monthly Fee:$10,250
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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Frederick Warburg Peters

Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
Now available for the first time in many years, this very large, very high duplex at beautiful 155 East 72nd Street will wow you. Redone in stylish mid-century taste, it enjoys streaming southern light through huge windows on both floors. The 540-square-foot living room with a fireplace, laid out along three windows, flows into the equally spacious dining room which benefits from both southern and western exposures. A cozy den, a full bath, and a large eat in kitchen complete this floor. Upstairs is an elegant library, also with a fireplace, three spacious master bedrooms each with its own bath, and a dressing room/office off the master.
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • Coop
  • ID:RPLU-8923074581
  • Monthly Fees:$10,250
  • Year Built:1928
  • Rooms:10
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