
120 East 36th Street, 10DE, New York, NY


Monthly Fee:$3,392
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
See a perfectly fabulous 5-room, 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment with approximately 1,225 SF is gloriously bright with open northern views from each room, on a high floor, and in excellent condition. The primary bedroom (fits a king-sized bed) has an en-suite bathroom with Bizazza tiling in a soft sea foam color, a large walk-in shower, and a custom-lighted medicine cabinet. The second bedroom holds two twin beds. Adjoining it is the second bath with a tub and shower. The third bedroom/office is off the dining room. There are 7 closets in total including one that is a walk-in. The spacious living room and dining room are adjacent to an open kitchen with a Miele dishwasher, Bosch oven, Gaggenau Cook Top, polished bluestone countertops and custom cabinets. Conveniently, there is also a laundry room in the unit with a Bosch washer and dryer and extra storage. Hardwood parquet floors are in great shape and can be found throughout. The ceilings are 8 and a 1/2 feet. All air conditioning is thru wall. There is a resident super, two porters, and a part-time doorman. There is also a central laundry room. 120 East 36th Street is convenient to the #6 train, the M34-SBS and the Lexington Avenue buses. It is close to Bryant Park, shops, and restaurants for which Murray Hill is well known. Pets are allowed as well as pied-a-terre, guarantors, subletting, and gifting. Come see it you will be glad you did.
Property History
  • Status:Pending
  • Coop
  • ID:RPLU-8923074627
  • Monthly Fees:$3,392
  • Year Built:1955
  • Rooms:6
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