
269 West 72nd Street, 14D, New York, NY


Monthly Fee:$1,360
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
This home is a harmonious blend of classic charm, comfort, and location in the heart of the Upper West Side. Upon entry, you are greeted by a spacious studio layout adorned with high ceilings, elegant oak parquet floors and timeless pre-war finishes. This is complemented by the six East facing windows offering an abundance of natural light and views of historic New York icons, the Ansonia, and the Level Club. The kitchen is designed for both functionality and style, featuring abundant wood cabinets, a deep storage pantry, and updated stainless steel appliances, including a dishwasher and Bertazzoni range. The windowed bathroom maintains its original charm with tasteful updates. There are multiple closets as well as strategically placed built-in storage throughout to accommodate Studio living. Conveniently located near Riverside Park, Trader Joes, Fairway, Citarella, Beacon Theater, Lincoln Center, and the 72nd Street express subway stop. 269 West 72nd Street is a pre-war cooperative elevator building built in 1924. The building has 58 units and 16 stories. Amenities include a laundry room, Live-In Super, as well as a bike room and private storage. The building provides Spectrum Internet for $52/month which has been included in the listed monthly maintenance. There is an assessment for this apartment of $170.15/month in place until June 2027. Pets are welcome, upon approval and pied-a-terre's are allowed. ***
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • Coop
  • ID:RPLU-8923074632
  • Monthly Fees:$1,360
  • Year Built:1924
  • Rooms:2
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