
1060 Park Avenue, 5A, New York, NY


Monthly Fee:$1,755
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
Contact Us
Suzanne D. Weinstein

Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
This elegant, beautiful and charming one bedroom in a highly sought-after building and location has 10' ceilings, and excellent built-in storage. The apartment is pin-drop quiet. The landings are exquisite with only four apartments per floor. Washer/dryer is allowed with board approval. There is bike storage and a wait list for a building storage unit. The building has a full service, attentive staff. Pied a Terre is allowed and pets are welcome. The incomparable location of this lovely home puts you just two short blocks from the Metropolitan and Guggenheim Museums. Just a few blocks in the other direction takes you to the 92nd Street Y, with its frequent lectures and panels featuring prominent intellectuals, diversity of music and a wide-range of community sports. Every public transportation line is nearby, as well as access to all points in and outside the city, and all airports.
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • Coop
  • ID:RPLU-8923074637
  • Monthly Fees:$1,755
  • Year Built:1924
  • Rooms:3
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