
345 East 54th Street, 3C, New York, NY


Monthly Fee:$1,199
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
Contact Us
Steven D. Hoffman

Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
Be the one to live in this lovely, renovated oversized studio home. Enjoy the trees and bright, northern views bringing light into the apartment most of the day. The kitchen renovation includes crown moldings throughout, granite floor tiles, granite countertops with custom cabinetry, and high-end appliances including a full-size stove, under-counter refrigerator, dish washer, and a built-in microwave. The bathroom is nicely finished with stylish tile and new fixtures. There are 3 closets providing plenty of storage, including one with a built-in dresser. Air conditioning is through the wall freeing up your windows. A custom high end wall unit with a queen-sized Murphy bed has been cleverly integrated, making the space more versatile.Nestled on a tranquil, tree-lined street, 345 East 54th Street boasts the convenience of a post-war elevator building. With a welcoming resident manager, video intercom for added security both outside and in the outer lobby, as well as a convenient ground floor laundry room, this coop offers not only practical amenities but also impeccable financials.This Sutton Place property boasts prime accessibility to transportation and local amenities, including top-notch restaurants. There's a NYC Parks and Recreation across the street making it easy and convenient to work out. Pets are welcomed subject to board approval.
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • Coop
  • ID:RPLU-8923074640
  • Monthly Fees:$1,199
  • Year Built:1960
  • Rooms:2
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