
475 Park Avenue, 8A, New York, NY


Monthly Fee:$5,400
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
Splendid grand scale six room residence of approximately 2,250 square feet in a superb location on Park Avenue. The elegant entry gallery leads to the grand sun filled 25X21 foot living room with a wood burning fireplace, multiple seating areas and a wall of oversized picture windows facing the Avenue. Across the gallery is the beautiful formal dining room. There is a powder room off the gallery. The well equipped windowed kitchen can be accessed from the dining room or the foyer, and opens to the comfortable breakfast room/ office. The corner primary bedroom is filled with natural light and has beautiful south views down Park Avenue. It has an ensuite marble bathroom and generous closets . The second bedroom is set up as a library with beautiful custom cabinetry, two large closets, and a hall bathroom. The apartment has very high ceilings, hardwood floors and through-wall air conditioning. 475 Park Avenue is a white glove cooperative at 58th Street and Park Avenue, built in 1908 and redesigned in 1959. Amenities include a doorman, elevator attendants, resident manager, and basement storage. Pied-a-terres are permitted with board approval. The building allows 50% financing. There is a 2% flip tax payable by purchaser.
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • Coop
  • ID:RPLU-8923072495
  • Monthly Fees:$5,400
  • Year Built:1958
  • Rooms:6
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