
1 Central Park West, 46A, New York, NY


Monthly Tax:$7,595
Common Charges:$11,924
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
One Central Park West's 46A is a unique 4 Bedroom residence renovated to the highest standard in a premier white-glove building across from Central Park, near Columbus Circle. This incomparable 4 bedroom, 5.5 bath showpiece boasts triple exposures and breathtaking views with magnificent vistas from all rooms, encompassing the entire length of Central Park, the Hudson River, and beyond to the George Washington Bridge. Upon entering the foyer, the expansive living area welcomes you with two walls of windows offering dramatic and panoramic views of the iconic skyline and Central Park from every vantage point. Adjacent to the living room is a spacious formal dining room with awe-inspiring park and city views. Off the dining area is a separate high-end kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances and a breakfast nook, also facing the park. The large library, with floor-to-ceiling windows, faces east and boasts full views of Central Park and beyond. The highly coveted layout features spacious bedrooms with magnificent vistas, each with an en suite bath. The luxurious primary bedroom suite overlooks the park and city facing east and features two private bathrooms, and copious closet space. Five-star building amenities include a 24-Hour Doorman and Concierge, fully appointed health club with spa services, a 55-foot heated swimming pool, steam room, sauna, garage, valet parking, housekeeping and laundry services, and room service from the acclaimed Michelin restaurant Jean Georges next door. The onsite Business Center features 2 conference rooms. Pets are permitted within policy guidelines. Located across from Central Park on Central Park West in the Columbus Circle neighborhood, Per Se, Marea, Bar Masa, Jean Georges, Whole Foods, and great shopping are all nearby. The building has an on-going special assessment which totals $1,759 per month for this apartment as of June 2024. The primary purpose is to undertake the requirements of Local Law 97, which is to reduce carbon emissions for more sustainable buildings throughout NYC in the future.
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • 3663 Sq Ft
  • Condo
  • ID:RPLU-8923074655
  • Tax:$7,595
  • Monthly Fees:$11,924
  • Year Built:1997
  • Rooms:8
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