
130 West 30th Street, PHA, New York, NY


Monthly Tax:$6,147
Common Charges:$3,912
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property
Penthouse A at 130 West 30th Street, the landmarked Cass Gilbert condo in Chelsea, is a stunning and loft-like 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath duplex with a private terrace. Perched on the 19th and 20th floors, this beautiful home is close to 3000 sf and boasts 11-foot beamed ceilings, north, south and east exposures, a corner master bedroom, central air, state-of-the-art lighting system, washer/dryer, great closets and a lovely setback terrace facing north and overlooking the city. The expansive 45-foot living and dining room has a wall of windows facing north and is perfect for entertaining. The large open chef's kitchen has custom white oak cabinetry, Calacatta marble, a dining island, stainless steel Sub-Zero refrigerator, Viking stove, Miele dishwasher, and a wine fridge. The spacious master bedroom on the main level enjoys bright corner exposures and features a marble en-suite bath with open city views, as well as a walk-in cedar closet. This level also has an oversized marble powder room and ample storage space. The upper level graced by soaring ceilings offers two additional bedrooms, one with expansive southern views, both with en-suite baths, and a beautiful north-facing terrace. It is truly a private oasis. The Cass Gilbert Condominium is located in the heart of Manhattan midway between Hudson Yards and NoMad. This is now a prime area with tons of restaurants, shops, and easy access to multiple subway lines. The building is named after one of NYC's most important early 20th century architects, celebrated for such prominent works as the Woolworth Building in Lower Manhattan, New York Life Building, Federal Courthouse, and U.S. Custom House. Built in 1928, the Assyrian Revival style 130 West 30th Street was a commercial loft building and converted to condominiums in 2004. This 20-story NYC historic landmark has a part-time doorman and a video security system. Pets are welcome.
Property History
  • Status:Active
  • 2988 Sq Ft
  • Condo
  • ID:RPLU-8923074680
  • Tax:$6,147
  • Monthly Fees:$3,912
  • Year Built:1928
  • Rooms:5
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