
111 West 67th Street, 23L, New York, NY


Monthly Tax:$639
Common Charges:$614
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
Contact Us
Maria Kourepenos
Annie Cion Gruenberger
Kate Wollman-Mahan

Coldwell Banker Warburg

654 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10065
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About this Property

Triple-Mint Studio With Soaring Views!

Seize the opportunity to own a studio in the coveted Park Millennium, located in the best Lincoln Center location! Move right into this home that has it all: location, views, and a mint condition renovation.

Meticulously renovated, this sun-filled east facing studio features a kitchen with quartz countertops, and top-of-the-line appliances by Wolf, Viking, and Subzero, including a convection oven, refrigerator and freezer and a dishwasher. The custom cabinetry was expertly designed and the apartment contains Lignet Roset furnishings. The bathroom includes a spacious shower and glass tiles, and there is even a foyer with three closets, including a custom linen closet. Every detail has been thoroughly considered!

Sun floods in through with the panoramic views of Central Park, the Upper West Side and open skies. High ceilings (approximately 9') make this highly functional studio feel spacious and cheerful.

The Park Millennium is a highly coveted Upper West Side condo and has full-time doormen, a live-in super, laundry, storage, a bike room, and a package room. The location is superb, with Lincoln Center, Julliard, and restaurants, cafes, and shopping right outside your door. Central Park is just a few blocks away. One of the most luxe Equinox Sports Clubs, featuring a roof deck, outdoor track, lap pool, cafe, and spa, is located on the street level of the building.

Guarantors are welcome.Monthly assessment of $146 through May 2025.

Property History
  • Status:Active
  • 400 Sq Ft
  • Condo
  • ID:RPLU-8923099020
  • Tax:$639
  • Monthly Fees:$614
  • Year Built:1992
  • Rooms:1
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