Art Strut 2017

As a neighborhood resurrected by artists in the 1960s, SoHo maintains an array of delightful art spaces, and thanks to popular neighborhood blog Soho Strut, you’ll have the chance to visit some of the best during a nighttime art open house on May 7, 2017. Called Art Strut, the popular event includes approximately 20 art galleries open to the public and to ticketholders who will enjoy special perks along the way.

Italian Modern Art

Center for Italian Modern Art (Image: Mark B. Schlemmer/Flickr)

Participating galleries include AFA, Apex Art, the Center for Italian Modern Art, LUMAS, Mimi Ferzt, the Morrison Hotel Gallery, The Drawing Center, and more than a dozen others. Each will be open to the public on May 7 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. The ticket Art Strut event begins at 6 p.m. with live music and drinks along with custom floral arrangements by Adore Floral. There will be more art, wine and music at the Art Strut pop-up gallery, which will open at 7 p.m., and a silent auction will generate proceeds for the ACE Programs for the Homeless.

Event sponsor Moleskine is providing a limited edition Art Strut notebook for the ticketholders, and Bloomingdales will be handing out gift bags. A portion of the ticket sales will benefit the nonprofit CityArts organization, which engages youth and professional artists to create public art.

Mimi Ferzt

Mimi Ferzt Gallery (Image: Joe Goldberg/Flickr)

This is not the first Art Strut to hit Soho. In May 2015, the event sold out, while the corresponding photography auction raised more than $5,000 for the homeless. Soho Strut also curated a follow-up event, featuring a loft party, that September.

Morrison Hotel

The Morrison Hotel Gallery (Image: John Wisniewski/Flickr)

More details on this year’s event — including featured musical acts, additional participating galleries, and the location of the pop-up gallery and auction — will emerge in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the event page on for updates.

Early bird tickets for this year’s Art Strut start at $35, and are available online. With ticket prices rising to $50 as the night of the event approaches and the likelihood of a sellout crowd, you’ll want to act fast to get in on this great night of great art.

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