West Village – Lifestyle

The West Village is one of New York’s most photogenic, Instagram-worthy neighborhoods, with its chic shops, well-tended brownstones, verdant parks, and golden sunsets over the Hudson River. Add to that buzzy restaurants and a robust nightlife, and it’s little wonder that for many starry-eyed visitors, especially those raised on episodes of “Sex and the City” and “Friends,” the West Village is New York.



The gay rights movement began in the West Village following the 1969 raids on the Stonewall Inn. Plenty of LGBTQIA-friendly bars and shops remain, including not only the Stonewall Inn but also Julius’, believed to be the oldest gay bar in New York as well as the oldest bar in the neighborhood.


Lifestyle - West 11th Street credit_ Coco Tan_Unsplash

West 11th Street credit_ Coco Tan_Unsplash


Lifestyle - Greenwich and Perry credit_ Coco Tan_Unsplash

Greenwich and Perry credit_ Coco Tan_Unsplash


The West Village was also home to the country’s first integrated nightclub, in 1938, and the neighborhood continues to welcome all and sundry.


Lifestyle - Stonewall Inn credit_ Karly Jones_Unsplash

Stonewall Inn credit_ Karly Jones_Unsplash


Lifestyle - Pier 46 credit_ Hudson River Park

Pier 46 credit_ Hudson River Park


Lifestyle - Cherry Lane credit_ Cherry Lane Theatre

Cherry Lane credit_ Cherry Lane Theatre


 That diversity extends to the neighborhood’s attractions and activities. Kids and their parents can spend hours at Bleecker Playground or the Museum of Illusions, while lovers of independent film will while away many a rainy day (and not-so-rainy night) at the IFC Center.


Lifestyle - W 4th St courts credit_ NYC Parks

W 4th St courts credit_ NYC Parks


Lifestyle - Christopher Park credit_ National Park Service

Christopher Park credit_ National Park Service


Lifestyle - Village Square Pizza credit_ Max Guliani

Village Square Pizza credit_ Max Guliani


 Jazz clubs such as the world-renowned Village Vanguard rub shoulders with dance clubs and comedy clubs, art galleries with fitness studios, vegetarian restaurants such as the Butcher’s Daughter with steakhouses such as 4 Charles Prime Rib. If ever a neighborhood was a melting pot, it’s the West Village.


Lifestyle - White Horse credit_ White Horse Tavern

White Horse credit_ White Horse Tavern


Lifestyle - Shop credit_ Mure and Grand

Shop credit_ Mure and Grand


—  Culture  —

—  Shopping  —

—  Dining  —

—  Real Estate Market  —

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