Astoria – Culture

Whether you prefer birdwatching or movie watching, taking in a comedy show or getting up on stage yourself, playing tennis or playing board games, you’ll appreciate Astoria’s wide assortment of cultural and entertainment options.


Culture - Culture intro credit_ Museum of the Moving Image

Culture intro credit_ Museum of the Moving Image


Museum of the Moving Image

MoMI is perhaps best known for its two permanent exhibits. “Behind the Screen” encompasses just about everything involved in the production and promotion of movies, TV programs, and digital entertainment, from the 19th century to today; “The Jim Henson Exhibition” is dedicated to the Muppet master’s work. As you’d expect from a museum with “moving image” in its name, there are plenty of film clips and behind-the-scenes footage along with hands-on activities and artifacts to discover. MoMI also hosts temporary exhibitions and film screenings—several a day. Recent film series included Real Rap: Hip-Hop Star Power Onscreen, Disreputable Cinema, and Infinite Beauty: Muslim and Menasa Identity Onscreen. Whether your tastes run to arthouse, animated, or action films, you’re certain to be entertained.


Culture - Museum of the Moving Image credit_ Mig Gilbert_Wikimedia

Museum of the Moving Image credit_ Mig Gilbert_Wikimedia


Astoria Park

This 60-acre waterfront park is home to the city’s oldest and largest public pool—and to much more as well. It offers tennis, basketball, and bocce courts, a playground, a running track, a skate park, walking and biking paths lined with trees and benches, and lovely views of Randalls and Wards Islands and Manhattan across the East River. Of note to birdwatchers: The park sits beneath the Atlantic Flyway, so you’re apt to spot numerous migrating birds flying overhead or alighting for a drink and a rest.



Culture - Astoria Park1 credit_ NYC Parks

Astoria Park1 credit_ NYC Parks



A self-described “after-school space for grown-ups,” Q.E.D. hosts everything from comedy shows to coding workshops to board-game meet-ups—some 80 events each month. Its open-mic sessions are especially popular, with two shows Wednesday and Thursday evenings, one every Friday, and another every Sunday, plus a session dedicated to spoken-word performances once a month. There’s also an on-site café and bar so that you can nosh and sip while you’re entertained.



Astoria Heights Playground

Astoria doesn’t lack for playgrounds, and this two-acre site might be one of the best, for kids of all ages. One portion is dedicated to little ones, with swings, slides, jungle gyms, and a 10-jet splash area. The other section features basketball, handball, and tennis courts encircled by a walking track. Tuesdays through Saturdays, the playground hosts Kids in Motion, a free program led by an NYC Parks staffer where attendees can enjoy organized games, fitness demos, and other activities.



Culture - AH Playground credit_ NYC Parks

AH Playground credit_ NYC Parks

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