Dumbo – Vinegar Hill – Lifestyle

Dumbo—short for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass—is a compact neighborhood, less than a quarter of the size of neighboring Brooklyn Heights and one-tenth the size of nearby Prospect Park. What it lacks in size, however, it more than makes up for in things to see and do. Along with the waterfront Brooklyn Bridge Park, art galleries galore, the Brooklyn Flea, eclectic boutiques, and restaurants for every taste and budget, Dumbo is home to one of Brooklyn’s most iconic views: the Manhattan Bridge as seen from Washington Street. Adding to the neighborhood’s appeal are subway lines, buses, ferries, and the ability to walk to Manhattan via the Manhattan Bridge. No wonder Dumbo has become a magnet for tech companies, artists, and just about everyone else.


Lifestyle - Dumbo 2 credit_ Yoav Aziz_Unsplash

Dumbo credit_ Yoav Aziz_Unsplash

Lifestyle - Dumbo 3 credit_ Brooklyn Flea

Dumbo credit_ Brooklyn Flea

Lifestyle - Dumbo 4 credit_ Dumbo BID

Dumbo credit_ Dumbo BID

Lifestyle - Park 1 credit_ Alexa Hoyer_Brooklyn Bridge Park

Park credit_ Alexa Hoyer_Brooklyn Bridge Park


—  Culture  —

—  Shopping  —

—  Dining  —

—  Real Estate Market  —

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