
160 Central Park South, Apt 3011, New York, NY


Monthly Tax:$966
Common Charges:$3,399
Est. Monthly Payment: Calculate
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About this Property
Enjoy majestic views of New York City from the comfort of a five-star hotel. This cheerful flat has everything you need in a home away from home. Tons of light, an equipped kitchen with a window. Hotel service if you want it, and a perfectly furnished living room with well-defined areas for dining, watching TV, or working. All of this plus a well-appointed bedroom provides the perfect place to stay during the Holidays or rent it out for minimum one month at the rate of $8,500 at today's market.

All utilities included. Hotel Services available. Enjoy the amenities of the Iconic Essex House, the 24/7 Spa, doorman, bellman and concierge services and have Central Park as your Front Yard.
Property History
  • Status:Off Market
  • 791 Sq Ft
  • Condo
  • ID:5275484
  • Tax:$966
  • Monthly Fees:$3,399
  • Year Built:1930
  • Floor:30
  • Renting Allowed:Yes
  • Rooms:3.5
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